New Chickens...HELP!!!

OK...Thanks!! I really appreciate it!!
In most flocks of chickens there will be a dominant hen, Sometimes a couple of them. They control the behaviour of the rest of the hens but first they have to show them who's boss. This is usually done by pecking at the offending newcomer. Sometimes it is more brutal depending on the character of the boss hen. "Pecking order" is just that ... who eats first, and who gets the best spot on the roost.
If you have a rooster (I don't) they will usually keep order in the flock but you'll still see some bullying by the top girl(s).
Yes I lost them from fighting.
I don't know what could have caused them to fight like that either...I guess it's because I have too many roosters. Well, that's being fixed now...I'm getting 11 new hens from a friend!!
You may want to introduce them slowly to the remaining flock. Can you separate them where they can still see but not have contact with one another? How many hens and roosters do you have now?

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