New chickens in Lompoc, CA


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm really happy to finally be joining this community. My family and I are just over three weeks into our chicken adventure. My fiancee and I both have experience with chickens, her more than I, but most of what we're doing this time around together is pretty new.

We'd like to have a farm one day, but we're making due with what's available to us at the moment and I honestly think we're doing pretty good. Last year we had a 20x20 foot side yard open to the world and had a few plants growing in a single raised bed. This year we've got a six foot privacy fence up, eight various sized beds, and six chickens housed in a coop and run system. Now that we've got the chickens mostly settled we're turning our attention towards building a rabbit hutch so we can start growing our own meat. I can't wait to jump forward ten years and look back at all our progress.

Here is a little picture gallery of our chicken coop as it stands today, with the last picture being a recent one of all our hens. In the coming weeks we're going to expand the run by a few feet and add nesting boxes to the coop. Link has descriptions.

Thank you all for your wisdom, input and cheer. We very much look forward to being a part of this community.

ps. Oh I forgot to mention: technically, chickens are still illegal in this town. They've already started the conversation towards legalizing, but haven't quite reached it. We didn't want to wait. We are hoping we don't have problems. We are attracting local birds with feeders to keep wild bird sounds active around here. I will be devastated if anything happens but my parents have lived with free range chickens for six years so far in a no-chicken area without any problems, and we're hoping for the same here.

- Joshua and family
Congrats! Welcome to BYC.

MAKE A BIGGER COOP, you will see the wisdom in that soon.

Great set up so far....
Wow you do good work !!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Congrats! Welcome to BYC.

MAKE A BIGGER COOP, you will see the wisdom in that soon.

Great set up so far....
eek, well if so that'll have to happen later. Just finished building it less than a month ago! I do plan to extend the run a bit but no immediate plans to extend the coop. Well, except for external nesting boxes which I plan to make sometime in the next two weeks.

I know it's a bit small for six birds but the have access to the run all day. How much would you suggest expanding it, and for what reasons?

Thank you to everyone. My fiancee and myself will probably be around here quite a bit. Got to get ready for work but will write more later - Joshua
I like your garden and coop set up. You might want to add hardware cloth to the runs for 'raccoon' protection. Welcome to BYC.
As before, this link contains additional descriptions. For the lazy I'll post pictures here. This documents the first week of our adventure. This is prior to adding the last two hens.

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