New Chicks having problems!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 2, 2009
Waxhaw, NC
On Thursday I had 2 eggs that pipped. Friday morning I could hear chiring, All day Friday I could hear the first 2 chiring and had 4 more to pipped. Saturday morning around 1:30 I went to the bathroom but stopped on the way to check on the bator still nothing. Then while in the bathroom I heard loud chipping and it was sounding crazy. I ran back to the bedroom to find a chick inside the bator. I put it in the brooder and checked on the other 2 that was the first to pipped. They were very quite. I touch the one that had it's beak sticking out and it started to chir again. The one that had cracked 3/4 of the around didn't do anything. I removed the shell but it had died. Not wanting this to happen the the 2nd one, I helped it out of it's shell and membrane. It was very weak but now it's doing fine. My question is why were the first 2 having so much problems getting out when the 3rd and 4th one didn't, they came out like gangbusters.

I cannot answer your questions...but in my experience, the first couple are SUPER strong, the next ones less so, and so on.

I think it might maybe have something to do with the temp varying from opening the hatcher to get rid of debris and fluffy chicks...but I cannot guarantee this. It is only a theory, and one that is not easily proven.

With my quail, ducks, chicks, and turkeys this was the case. The first ones are strongest. Not invincible, of course, but definately enough to make a difference.
My chicks always chirp like crazy when they first hatch. You should leave them in the incubator to rest and dry off. As far as the one that died sometimes it just happens. I had it happen before and everything appeared normal with chicks hatching before and after so you just never know.... sorry he passed though

Glad the other ones are doing well

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