New chicks! Help with breed/sexing?


6 Years
Sep 15, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI

Hi Everyone! Just got six new week-old chicks from TSC the other day, and I'm wondering what breeds they might be. I have included a picture of the box I took them home in. The 3 "featured breeds" are the black and white (above). I think they might be australorps? The light yellow (directly below) are the 2 pullets.

Then we have the 1 "assorted bantam" (with awesome wings coming in already):

The black and white's legs (in case it's important):

And the "contents" listing:

Also, I know that it will take longer to know the sexes, but if we know the breeds then maybe I can know what to look out for as they age to sex them?
Thanks in advance for any help =)

Thanks so much! You guys are awesome. I was pretty sure that pullet meant hen ... good to know I have at least two girls! (Along with the year old buff orp we have)

Any idea when I might be able to begin telling the girls and boys apart, for the other four?
THe TSC's around here have Australorps, so the black one is probably that. And yes on the Seabright. Dunno about the other two, but they are cute! :D
I used the color of sole of the foot to determine wether or not the chick was a Black Jersey Giant or an Australorp. BJGs have yellow under their feet and Australorps have white/pale soles.
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It looks like you have a Black Jersey Giant, some White Leghorns or White Rocks, and some Golden Sebrights.
Great! After researching I see no problems with that -- just hoping there's lots of girls besides the pullets!

I'm a little iffy on the bantam though. I've read they can be flighty -- I'll have to clip its wings. And it's already a lot feistier than the others. It's gorgeous though! The guy at TSC said the bantam is definitely a rooster, but I don't know if he knew what he was talking about. If it is a boy, hopefuly he won't damage my girls too much by trying to hang on while breeding.

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