New chicks! New pics....


Graceland Farms
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Broodyland, TN
My Coop
My Coop
I got these from my feed store today.....they were from a local person that also works there, but she was already gone for the day. The other guy thought they were a few days old...I have no clue! Obviously they are babies, but no idea beyond that.

I only ended up with two. But ordered three more that should be coming in end of the month (1 barred rock, 1 buff orphington, 1 light brahma, all pullets)....these are my trial run
no idea if boys or is bigger and more aggressive than the other (lighter colored one)...





First chickens ever so....this should be interesting! They are in my bathroom until they are big enough......better start figuring out how to build a coop....
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I would say that they are around a week or week and a half. Because the tips of their wings already have feathers. Anyone else? They are cute!!
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I can't say anything about the age of the chick in the first photo, BUT that is the funniest looking 4 legged chick I've ever seen!

(insert Groucho Marx face here...)
Must have been a double yolker, eh?

I didn't notice at first but that is pretty funny.

The smaller one tries to hide under or behind the bigger one. It also is the first to lay down and the bigger one stands over it and chirps loud for a minute and then lays down too. Hopefully the little one is a pullet.....and the other one too...I don't want to have to name him dinner! But if I had to guess.........
Aw, they were so cute....less than 1 week later and....they're getting huge!



Enjoying their new perch


I'm thinking....roo in the front...hoping a hen in the back? Really don't want roos, but they were straight run and only 3 to choose from
i'm basing my sexing guess on their expressions only

They love their new perch. Not bad since i just made it out of a $1 scrap piece from Home Depot.

They are not friendly at all, and chirp like they are being eaten when I try to handle them.
I'm hoping the day olds I should be getting in a few weeks will be easier to tame since they are going to be younger.

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