New chicks

Jan 12, 2021
I currently have a (about) 2 year old hen who is currently broody. I was thinking I could give her some eggs to hatch and then keep the chicks. I've never done that before and was wondering how to do that.. Do I need to take away the chicks once they hatch? Or can they just stay with the mama and the two other chickens she currently lives with? Do I just give her some eggs or how do I do that? How do I ensure to take the non fertilized eggs the chickens will still lay? Is there a way to make sure they wont eat the fertilized eggs? Thank You!
Do I need to take away the chicks once they hatch?
Or can they just stay with the mama and the two other chickens she currently lives with?
if you could separate the hen who is broody that would be best but if they dont mess with the chicks you and the chicks will be fine
Do I just give her some eggs or how do I do that?
if she is broody just place eggs under her
How do I ensure to take the non fertilized eggs the chickens will still lay?
i don't know
? Is there a way to make sure they wont eat the fertilized eggs
most birds dont eat eggs but if yours do you will have to separate the broody

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