New comer!!


In the Brooder
May 5, 2015
It's likley just me I'm sure of it, but this forum and site is harder to figure out than I thought.
I'm posting, just can't gurantee I'm doing it in the right spot.

We are in the coop building stage for my 6 week old Plymouth Rocks arriving May 19th. I'm pretty excited to get these girls and get it all rolling. I know it will be a few months before I get eggs, but I wanted them young but not as young as day olds. I'm afraid I'll kill the day olds as it seems like they are so fragile and need special attention to detailed etc. Oddly enough, I has the same fear with my kids and so far both are alive and kicking!! :D

I have a few questions I'm hoping to get some feedback on. If I'm not suppose to post my questions here, I apolgize, I am lacking the time to figure out the site.

1. can you mix the ages? For example, my first order is layers (Plymouth Rocks) arriving at 6 weeks of age May 19th. My second order is arriving June 16th (dual purpose slow growth meat) at 3 weeks of age. Can I just put them all together in the coop or is separation needed when the babies arrive in June and if so, for how long?

2. Is a male different than a rooster? I'm more than sure that is the silliest question ever, but I'm wondering If every male is a rooster. (So embarrassed)

3. Do chickens ever wander too far?

4. Does anyone know of a company that sells chicken coops in Ontario Canada.

That's it, that's all. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and/or respond.


Hi, welcome to BYC!
Yeah, the site takes a while to figure out. I'm still finding new things!

1. I think it's fine to mix ages, just keep a close eye on everybody and watch out for bullying.

2. I'm pretty sure all male chickens would be called roosters. Tho, I think technically a male under 1 year of age is called a cockeral.

3. My Speckled Sussex are really prone to wandering, I think it's just their personality.

4. I'm sorry, but I don't know of a hatching company near Ontario

Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I agree with silkiecuddles. Here are my best answers:

1. can you mix the ages? For example, my first order is layers (Plymouth Rocks) arriving at 6 weeks of age May 19th. My second order is arriving June 16th (dual purpose slow growth meat) at 3 weeks of age. Can I just put them all together in the coop or is separation needed when the babies arrive in June and if so, for how long? You can't just throw them in at once. Since there is a good number of them, you can try putting them all together in the dark at night in a neutral area. They'll work out the pecking order and there will be fights. Hopefully it will work though. If that doesn't work: you'll have to separate them all by barriers so they can't reach each other but can still see one another. Do this for a couple weeks and then let them mix.

2. Is a male different than a rooster? I'm more than sure that is the silliest question ever, but I'm wondering If every male is a rooster. (So embarrassed) Nope, they're the same thing

3. Do chickens ever wander too far? It really depends. Like kids, if you give them freedom to start with, they will wander all over and get into trouble. But if you start by putting barriers up, they will learn to stay within one area. Then once they are allowed freedom, they probably won't wander too far. That is what I did with my flock and they always stay within our property even though we have no fences or any barriers.

4. Does anyone know of a company that sells chicken coops in Ontario Canada. I would check out this link

Good luck to you!
Thank you very much for your response.!! I love talking to people with experience. Before my friend recommended this site, I was pulling into driveways here in the country where I saw chickens roaming and unleashing my many questions on those willing to offer up their experiences. People are so helpful and friendly, including all these posts I've been reading for days.

I think I'm going to enjoy this community a lot!! Thank you!!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I agree with silkiecuddles. Here are my best answers:

[COLOR=333333]1. can you mix the ages? For example, my first order is layers (Plymouth Rocks) arriving at 6 weeks of age May 19th. My second order is arriving June 16th (dual purpose slow growth meat) at 3 weeks of age. Can I just put them all together in the coop or is separation needed when the babies arrive in June and if so, for how long? [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]You can't just throw them in at once. Since there is a good number of them, you can[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]try [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]​putting them all together in the dark at night in a neutral area. They'll work out the pecking order and there will be fights. Hopefully it will work though. If that doesn't work: you'll have to separate them all by barriers so they can't reach each other but can still see one another. Do this for a couple weeks and then let them mix.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]2. Is a male different than a rooster? I'm more than sure that is the silliest question ever, but I'm wondering If every male is a rooster. (So embarrassed) [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Nope, they're the same [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]thing[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]:) [/COLOR]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]3. Do chickens ever wander too far?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]It really depends. Like kids, if you give them freedom to start with, they will wander all over and get into trouble. But if you start by putting barriers up, they will learn to stay within one area. Then once they are allowed freedom, they probably won't wander too far. That is what I did with my flock and they always stay within our property even though we have no fences or any barriers.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333] very helpful!!! I was just going to let them figure it out .... Now I will give them boundaries and work from there.
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]4. Does anyone know of a company that sells chicken coops in Ontario Canada. I would check out this link [/COLOR]

Good luck to you!
Thank you very much for your response.!! I love talking to people with experience. Before my friend recommended this site, I was pulling into driveways here in the country where I saw chickens roaming and unleashing my many questions on those willing to offer up their experiences. People are so helpful and friendly, including all these posts I've been reading for days.

I think I'm going to enjoy this community a lot!! Thank you!!

You're very welcome! Best wishes!
Welcome, you could post on the "Canadians, check-in-here," thread and ask about places to buy chicks/chickens. There must be some. Sometimes the easiest way to find something is to just put it in the searchbox and see what pops up. Glad you joined the flock
I think I've been misunderstood. I've got the chickens covered, it was more coop building I was looking for. Thankfully I have that covered now as well. First batch of starters arrive on May 19th. I was running out of time. Second batch of dual purpose arrive June 16th. It's silly I know, but I'm so excited for these girls and one roostee to arrive!!

I didn't know there was a Canadian section, I'll try to find it,

Thank you!!


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