New coop

A beautiful coop. Where did you purchase the chicken over the poop door? Next to the Poop Deck? Aria
I purchased it at a craft store called the Hobby Lobby in Manchester, NH.
It was just a wooden chicken, so I painted it black to match everything.
We originally liked the idea of the Witcheta Cabin in the coops index. It got us started on our design, but we kind of planned as we went along and made some changes as well. Originally, I had chicken wire in the run and windows, until I found out that it is only good for keeping the chickens in and not the predators out. So I added 1/2 inch hardware cloth over the chicken wire, so now the whole thing is tight and bomb proof. NOTHING will get in there to hurt my little angels. I don't think that even a mouse could find a way in. However, I don't know how well it would deter a black bear. We have had them in the yard on ocasion. The coop and run are built strong, so I have no fear of predators getting in.
It's a heated dog water bowl with a drinker in it. I made a little platform to raise it a little. I hope it works out. It's not plugged in yet. I also got a small heated water bowl for inside of the coop for those winter storm days when they stay inside. I won't use that one unless needed. I don't want any spillage inside the coop.

The girls were moved in this afternoon. The Rhode Island Red was first out of the box. She did not want to get out though. She had her head down in the corner of the afraid. Poor thing. I got her out and into the coop as well as the other two. They were anxious, but found the built in feeder right away. The two reds decided to check out the run while the barred rock hid in one of the nesting boxes. I had to go out for a short while and when I came back it was getting dark outside. I went to check on them and they had all put themselves to bed. Unfortunately, they decided they felt safe in one of the nesting boxes. It was kind of cute, but I think I may have to clean out a lot of poop in the morning.
Funny, I made the boxes spacious, but never thought three hens would fit in there. I hope they are sleeping well. I picked up some greens for them at the supermarket. I'll give them a treat when they wake up in the morning.
I think I need to give them names now. Hmmmmmm.
What a wonderful hen haven. I also like the heated water dish, I have been wondering about what to do with that myself. We get pretty cold here in the winter. Thank you for sharing!

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