New Coop


12 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Gloucester, VA
We started our new coop. This is it.

It will take us a while to totally complete. It will have 7 6'x6' " 'stalls' with 20'x 6' runs on each side (14 total) and a 5' walkway down the center. The runs will be covered with netting. We hope to have both turkeys and chickens and maybe even pheasants in it. Our plan is to have rare breeds for hatching eggs.
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That's funny!! We are thinking about calling it The Gobbley Coop. It is our 4th and largest coop. We also have an 8'x8' , a 12'x 20', and a 10'x10' , a small brooder house, and a couple other covered small places for chickens. We have about 200 chickens and turkeys here now. Can't wait to get it finished. I can fill it.
That is just awesome!!! I'd love that coop/barn for my chickies, horses and goats! That's sooo much better than what they all have now.
he he, my mouth dropped open and there was an expletive mentioned.. lol
that is one hell of a coop, please post new pics on it's update as you go, I'd love to see the finished Residence..
Goodness!!! What an Inn... I mean coop! My DH thinks I am we just finished our third coop!..... wait Ohhh wait till I show him this....
He'll probably pack his bacgs and leave!!!

Please keep us posted on the progress, Can't wait!

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