New duck dad


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2021
A repost of my intro post:

Hello all I am glad to be apart of this community. So before I start I need everyone to know this is my first Duck/waterfowl EVER, im a dog person normally, yesterday on 07/16/21, A friend of mine called and informed me of a duckling that hatched late and that was abandoned by the mother due to the late hatch (wild duck nested at his house) I agreed to care for the little baby ducky, as I couldn't let the poor baby be left alone.

so far he seems to be sleeping a lot and chirping when awake. I bought him chick starter/grower from tractor supply on 07/16/21 but today 07/17/21 I ordered "Manna Pro Duck Starter Grower Crumble|Non-Medicated" since it is for ducks specifically arriving on 07/18, I don't want to risk a niacin deficiency. He has fresh water and have included a little bit of celery and roman lettuce, its only a little bit in his water so it stays wet and easier for him or her to eat it...

He is a solo duckling which has me worried I have a stuffed duckling toy arriving tomorrow for it to be with and a mirror in its "brooder" i dont have my own place and will most likely need to rehab the duck, iv scheduled a vet appointment for the duckling with a avian specialist here in Dallas, Tx just to make sure its healthy and doing well. that will be on 07/26.

Please let me know what you think of how I'm doing so far, I got emotional thinking of having to let this little ducky go to another home when the time comes, but it will be best for it.


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thank you for rescuing him! if you cannot get him a friend within like a week i definitely recommend rehoming him though. growing up without another duck will be horrible for him and some places even consider having one duck abuse because of how bad it is
thank you for the info iv made the decision to rehome him tomorrow at a bird sanctuary here in the Dallas area. I desperately want this little fella or lady to be a good well rounded duck in its life. :)
SO my duckling is rehomed at Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Hutchins Texas, little ducky will meet many friends and learn to duck proper like! it was very bitter sweet sad for me and the best thing for him
Congratulations for making the best decision for him/her. and :welcome
Thank you it was a wonderfull place and they had lots of land and water...everything from pigeons to bald eagles and a EMU or ostrich not sure which but it would win in a fight againt me lol thing was massive lol but i think little howard or howardetta (if my duckling was a boy or girl xD) will love it there :)

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