New duck pen!

That's not a duck pen--that's a zoo exhibit! Awesome job; pretty birds
They are Ruddy Shelducks. I have a quad ring teal, a pair each of split to white, reg and white mandies, chileo widgeon, then a trio of each of woodies and northern pintails and 4 Ruddy shellduck hens who need a man.
It is regular 1inch hex wire, aka, poultry wire, that has been PVC coated. I found it through hogslatt, since the only thing I could find around here was the galvanized and I am lucky if that last a year. They had it for the same price as galvanized and I took advantage of their free shipping offer and bought three rolls. The first two went to making my pheasant/peafowl pens and the last roll was saved for this. It seems to be much stronger than regular poultry wire, I have never had anything break through it, but I have had raccoons pull quail right through it. The only problem is that I need more but I cannot afford to ship it, so I will have to figure something out.

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