New Duck Question - One died, is the other one a Lonely Duck even if she has goslings for company?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
Central Foothills of California
I am new to BYC, having recently purchased my first birds. I have two African goslings, female aged 4-5 weeks. I have (had) two female black Indian Runner ducks, bought at the same time, same ages. All four girls were growing like weeks and great friends. This past weekend while I was away and my adult son was "watching", the dogs knocked over the temporary pen I had set up for them to enjoy some outdoor time and killed one of the ducks. I have terrible guilt over this, and wish I would have locked up the dogs while I'm gone like I normally do! They have still been living in my dining room where I can close the door when I'm not in the house so they are safe and I allow them outside in the temp pen when I'm home. I'm in the process of building them a combined shelter with a chicken coop (also got 8 chicks a week later - I guess I became quickly addicted!) My question is this - Rose, the Runner, seems lonely, although I could be imagining that. She used to snuggle up to Louise (the deceased Runner) while the goslings ran around in circles being geese. Rose now tries to follow the geese around trying to act like a goose, pretending to eat grass like they do, but not really liking it. Should I get her another duck or do you think she's fine with the geese girls? I already tried finding another Runner duck but no one within 75 miles has any, although they are on back-order at the local feed store and she's supposed to call me as soon as they come in. I'm worried about introducing a new duck now that these 3 girls are already so close to each other. Should I get 2 new ducks? They will be in a different stage as Rose, even if I do get new ducks, they will still need to be under the heat lamp and the others are past that stage already. I just don't know what to do and I don't want her to be sad! Thanks for any advice!!

I'd say get another duck pal. They really do best with their own species
Thanks for the reply! Do you think I should get another Indian Runner (and should it be black like her?), or is it okay to get another type of duck?
It's no problem at all. If you like the look of Black runner ducks go for another one. However, really any duckling the same age will do the trick.

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