**new duckling mom help!!


In the Brooder
May 21, 2015
I just got 2 new lil pekin ducklings.. I work from home on most days and they are fine when I leave work, however I have to leave for 4 days for work and my mom offered to take care of them while I'm away but I don't want to stress them out... Help what do I do and will they be ok if my mom takes them for the 4 days??
I just got 2 new lil pekin ducklings.. I work from home on most days and they are fine when I leave work, however I have to leave for 4 days for work and my mom offered to take care of them while I'm away but I don't want to stress them out... Help what do I do and will they be ok if my mom takes them for the 4 days??
Print this out for your mom, it will help her remember what she needs to do or print out your own info. As long as mom knows what to do the ducklings shouldn't get to stressed by being in a new place for 4 days. Giving mom a printed paper on instructions will help her be less stressful too.

Thank you!!! You made me so relieved to hear this
I'm glad nothing worse than a new duckling mom having to leave town and worry about her babies.

Welcome to BYC.

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