New Flock


Mar 17, 2021
I am planning on creating a new backyard flock in the next couple of weeks. (Unfortunately, all my chickens died when my well-meaning MIL let them out with my untrained dog) I only want pullets, but I would like different varieties. So my question is this: are there some varieties that don't do well together? Would it be problematic to mix Easter eggers with RIRs or GCs for example?

Also, I could use some advice on how to get the terrier to leave the chickens alone. Thanks!
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I am planning on creating a new backyard flock in the next couple of weeks. (Unfortunately, all my chickens died when my well-meaning MIL let them out with my untrained dog) I only want pullets, but I would like different varieties. So my question is this: are there some varieties that don't do well together? Would it be problematic to mix Easter eggers with RIRs or GCs for example?

Also, I could use some advice on how to get the terrier to leave the chickens alone. Thanks!
Sadly I have had dogs in the past that attack chickens and once they get a taste of that blood it's very tough to break them.

I personally always supervise and correct for the first 1-2 months of introducing a new flock to my dogs. My heeler is the only one that is fully trust still to this day but he's got an extreme herding mindset. If you have a fenced coop that's secure you can make introductions easier because the chickens can see the dogs and understand (Safe) versus random predator too. I've found that acclimation the best as my heeler can see (dad) wants these birds safe and I get rewarded for hanging out with them and protecting them (treats/praise etc for good activities).

As for getting a mix I agree with sour silkies don't do well in mixed flocks as they are almost always at the bottom of the pecking order. Albeit they are great mothers funny enough as far as being broody etc. If you want a fun mix easter eggers are always great at free ranging. I know Cackle and Meyer's Hatchery offers some assortments you can look through that are just female and varieties. Take a look or you can always select the number you want etc.
Planning a new flock is fun! I used to really enjoy RIR's in my flock but the truth is, they are the breed that I see the most aggression from so just don't get them anymore. My objective is to have as many different chicken colors/patterns and different colored eggs as possible. Next criterion is "nice, low to no issues." So I always have: CCL, Orps, Marans, Wyandottes, OE, EE, Sussex, Brahma. I steer away from RIR's and Delawares even though it's a bummer because they're both so beautiful, but I can get Red and White chickens via one of the breeds above instead. Sorry about your loss, that had to be tough!

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