new from Aberdeen, NC


10 Years
Apr 13, 2009
Aberdeen, NC
I am new to this and have had chickens show up at my house back in Sept. As any critter that shows up I feed them and try to find them homes if I can't keep them. I don't know alot about chickens, but I am learning. I found these chickens living in the woods next to my house. No-one has claimed them and I have looked high and low for a owner. They fly very well, so they come and go as they please. About 10 days ago the one hen disappeared, but I was not concerned,they do this sometimes for a couple days. Well when I found her she has 14 eggs on a nest she built out of stray that was in my kids playhouse! Now I am not sure what to do. Unless the hen has been visiting a rooster these eggs are duds! But we live in a rural area and she wonders, so guess it is possible. There were two hens and one rooster back in sept. but the rooster has been gone since oct. We have decided to put up a fence around the playhouse the kids have donated to these chickens. Now how long can I let her sit on these eggs? and is there a for sure way other then cracking one open to tell if they are fertile? I have put food and water closer to her, she is VERY defensive right now. Any suggestions I would appreciate. By the way the chicken with the eggs, her name is Tweedle Dee. And yes the other hen is Tweedle Dumb. Thanks~ Wixie
I think all you can do is wait about 10 days and then candle them to see if there are fertile.....

Candling: in a dark room, us a small flashlight held up against the eggs, and if you see veins, they are fertile.
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