New from NW WA

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I like the colored eggs from the americanas, I'm also thinking a silver laced wyandot and black australorp. Nothing too mean because I have young kids.
I'm sure chickens are like dogs. Each are different. A pit bull is portrayed as a monster, yet I know a few people who have them and are the sweetest pet. I started with 4 different breeds, hatchery stock. Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Light Brown Leghorns and Barred Rock, all standard size. They will all eat out of my hand but don't like to be touched except for two of the BR. One will allow you to touch it. One wont. The other is the sweetest thing. She stays at our feet and loves to be picked up, petted and rubbed. Out of the 4 breeds, one of the RIR's is trying to be the dominate one. The Leghorns are quick and one will eat out of hand, the other will not but is starting to get a little more brave. All 4 breeds are not mean and we love them all. We try to send time with them every day. Basically, typically certain breeds are known to be gentle and loving. That doesn't mean they will be. They are all easy going toward us, but out of the 9 we have, only one is a lap chicken. We got them for eggs, but love pets and consider them part of the family. Loads of fun. They are now 10 weeks old. Hope I haven't talked in circles. Just got off working 8 straight night shifts in a row, 12 hrs each, took a sleeping pill and may not be 100% when it comes to being literate. Lol. Good luck with whatever you get.
My coop/run is 8x16. The coop is 4x8 and is elevated about 3 feet high to allow the chickens to go under the coop during rain and just more run room. Although the coop is in the run, the entire 8x16 run is open area for more space for them to play and scratch for worms. I could get a few more, but don't want them to be crowded. If I were to build another coop, it would be a walk in shed to make cleaning easier and room to store my feed. To many decisions when trying to build a coop. Time, money and aesthetics all come in to play. It is what you want and will usually say, man i wish i would have doe that differently. It's all fun though.
I did, thanks! I've also got a bunch of books from the library. I've got a basic design. We'll draw it up on our CAD program then see if it needs anything different. :)

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