New from SF East Bay


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 28, 2011
This is an amazing web site.

My husband and I have wanted chickens for years and are learning so much from others' experiences. We definitely want to build the coop before we get the chickens, and we tend to over-think and over-prepare, so it's taking some time. (I just spent a few hours reading about Deep Litter on here!) Trying to figure out where in our yard we want our coop is where I'm at now, as well as gathering lots of info. so once we get started we have it all at our fingertips. 4 is our limit for our city/town. So this is a small production compared to many of you.

My interest sparked again after I met my Petaluma friend's 10 chickens up close and personal.

I would love to connect up with other urban chicken farmers as close to El Cerrito/Albany (Berkeley, Richmond) as I can get. Hoping to be able to join or form a local community (I know there are some a bit further away: Oakland, SF, Alameda (Love their annual Back Yard Chicken Coop Tour! Would love to hear of others like this in our area.) mainly so that we can exchange care when we take vacations, but also to share tips, and just have a nice community here.

This web site has just an amazing amount of information. Thank you to it's founders and all that work to keep it going!
Welcome from Tampa, FLA

Want to hear something funny? I am an over thinker myself. OMg how many SQ feet, how large should the roost be, how many nest boxes/how large? I drove my self crazy with questions. Found them all and acted accordingly....but now my flock is getting it all wrong...they sleep on a branch on the run all cramed up, not the nice 2x3 with 1' lenght per bird I put up for them in the 3 sided coop with windows for air, but that could be close to cut winds. One lays eggs on her own little spot in the backyard, not on one of the 2 boxes I made 12"x12". They all like to cram in one little part of the run that is only 12 sqf ( I have 5) and seem to forget about the other 50 sqf they have on the other side...they are getting it all wrong! HAHAHAHAHAHA:lau

With that said. have a blast, don't be afraid of asking questions and best of luck!
LOL TheJuan... that is too funny. I love your descriptions of how they did things differently. Animals fascinate me... such different personalities within the same species.

I totally see that happening here too, but we just can't help ourselves! I am getting better about reminding myself that my chickens don't need anything fancy, and we really want to create a comfortable safe environment as inexpensively as possible.
I think that is the main thing SAFE! Read up on how to keep them safe, as a matter of fact I have a silly opossum that tries to get to our way he is getting my dogs love to chase him off!!

All we can do is provide them with the things we think they need, but at the end they know what they really need and like. I have one that must be part duck because she loves the rain and water.....go figure! lol
from another Californian!

There are three things which make BYC the stellar forum for chicken folks:
1) the massive amount of information, constantly being updated by the user community and the forum administrators.
2) the depth and breadth of members' experiences, which they so willingly share
3) the PEOPLE behind the user-names.

I have so many friends here I've never met, and whom I care about.

I know that if I research BYC and do something right, I have the forum and its membership to thank for the success. I also know if I do something without checking BYC first, I will be able to find someone who can help me fix what I did wrong.
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