New from South Central Louisiana


Jun 4, 2015
I stumbled onto BYC when I was doing a search on how to handle a large feral cat who is preying on my flock. It's already killed 3 juvenile embden geese, who were supposed to be my guard geese. I want my girls (and guy) to be free range but this cat is a huge problem. Help please!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry to hear about the cat issue and your losses!
I would definitely check out these links

Best of luck!
Sorry for your loss, maybe you can borrow a trap . Bait it with raw meat or chicken and then eliminate this feral beast for once and for all. I'm am surprised it has the gumption to go after geese. Oh I see they are younger birds. SSS ( shoot, shovel, shut up)
Thanks for the advice. We are keeping our family inside unless we are outside and are mowing down all tall grasses that might provide cover for the cat.

A neighbor stopped by last night. He's building a coop and was grateful that we warned him about our predator. Knowledge is power, and safe chickens.

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