New from WNC

Last year we lost our beloved St. Bernard Dusty.
She was 2 months from turning 14 yrs. when she died. We had gotten her when she was 3 wks old, (I know that's to young, but it's a long story, and we didn't know she was so young). While we had her we never lost chickens. We had a flock of 140 comets and RIR. We never knew that there were cyotes around here either. With her size they never came around, so we never knew. We have mama bear, this yr she has 2 cubs, she's been around here for about 10 yrs, and we have a bobcat. Never ever did they mess with the chickens or our horses. (We sold the horses 2yrs ago). When Dusty died we all of a sudden started missing chickens. We lost all but 12 hens and 2 roos. & 3 of our outdoor cats. Didn't know why.

Called around to some of the neighbors, come to find out we have cyotes. After speeking to them they have lost alot of live stock to them also. My next door neighbor lost 9 ducks, 2 goats, and she lost count of the chickens. They also shot one while it was chasing one of their calves. (She lost her great dane about a month berfore we lost Dusty) The neighbor on down the road lost 3 sheep, 4 turkeys, and they attacked the sheperd almost killing him.

The wildlife guy told us the reason we never had a problem before was because of Dusty. Her size intemidates them, so they never come around. He suggested that we get another VERY large dog. He also told us that if we got a permit, (which is free) we could trap and/or hunt them. The only stipulations are that they have to be killed. They can not be trapped then released some where else.

We were given a great pyrenees named Snowey
right before Halloween last yr. Since then we have not lost any chickens at all. We now have the 12 ladies and 2 roos., 36 bantam mixes, 4 silkies, 2 polish, 3 brama banties for a total of 59 laying age right now. In the brooders we have 40 suprise specials from Ideal 4 wks old, 14 suprise special, 50 RIR, and 100 brown leghorns all 2 wks old. On the way for my March shipment is 100 Columbian Rocks and another 50 RIR. We know a very nice gentalmen over in Candler who we have gotten laying comets from before in the past, he is going to let get some more this weekens. I think we are getting 30 of them so I have a good stock of layers, until my little ones get up big enough to.

And yes they are free range. We live on 14 acres with my in laws. The neighbor owns 22 acres, so they have plentyof room to run. We do have an acre fenced in for keeping our breeds seprated. But for the most part hey go where they want.
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