New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

so far the forecast is "chance of thunder storms. 81 degrees."

But we have to remember that forecasters are the only people who can be wrong nearly all the time and not get fired.
i think angie is also hatching some, i will let you know how many i have once the hatch is done, and i will keep one for you cheryl
cheryl, a thought on the raffle-door prizes
what/ how many things do we have to offer?
and my thought was that we do a drawing on the hour every hour so people dont have to hang around if they dont want to.
we did talk of a rain date, but i think if it is on off showers cheryl has a large tent, hope she comes on and see what she thinks,
i had seen it said possible t storms, i wouldnt worry about passing showers
I am still drying out from getting caught in a down pour/thunder storm when I went to feed my horse this afternoon. Found out I have a hole in my rubber boot.
Rain doesnt bother me. Lightening. I am scared to death of
Regarding my rant, sorry about that! I will print of a few educational flyers. Also there is a Link to NoNAIS.
Type in and you can find some scarey stuff, also many pages to back it up from around the states. Take care

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