New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

Hi All!

well I had a lot of fun and hope we can do this again. I took a few photos but more of birds than people (sorry!)

Here's one shot to give an idea.


More also:

Anyway, I met a few BYC'ers; here is some of what was at the meet up.

Turkeys/poults, guinea keets, ducks, rabbits, quail/pheasants, and of course many varieties of chickens and across many ages. One member was there selling her soaps (yay!). Lots of nice adult roos, some juvis, and many different chicks. I got there at 12 or so and heard a lot of the chicks/pullets were already gone.

Actually, it was fine with me because I went up looking for a roo now that we know we didn't get one in our pullet order, and found a 7 week old to go with our 12 6 wk old hens. He is one lucky little roo and I think he'll be quite a stunning adult. He's a buff laced wyandotte.

I wasn't sure what to expect so I really didn't bring anything other than a carrier. Lots of folks clearly knew what to do and had tables and chairs and so on. It was fun to chat with people.

Thanks to the organizers and to TSC for hosting. Next time, I hope we can get a front corner of the parking area so we can get more store visitors too! There will be a next time, right?
WELL....CAN you believe I only got 2 pictures?? Well...I got the first one of the RAFFLE table!! And DH got the second one of ME looking for the RUN AWAY pheasant under the wood PILE!! NO JOKES all...



We had a GREAT time...wish I was not selling soap...otherwise I'd have chatted everyone UP so much MORE!!

I'm READY for another....

AUGUST??? Anyone??
thats my mom selling raffle tickets!!
did you get that pheasant?
here are some of my pics
one of 3 look alike roos i brought home,cute

my cute son doing concession work
siz and her group
i am up for another, just wont do so much in the food department, worry about the heat, but how about cheryl finding out of tsc will allow a september fest, just a swap cheryl , no work required??
i didnt even get into the store, so i need to go back!!

now we start a new thread on the maine chickenstock!!
Hey, that's me there! Or, my backside, anyway - black pants, bright pink tie-dye, bandana. And DH standing next to me.

If you got him from me & his named used to be Charlie, he's actually a Blue-laced Red (very light blue, though - he & his sister looked like little creamsicles when they were babies). And I am ecstatic to have found him such a good home.

Yes, many, many thanks to everyone! I had a grand time, enjoyed schmoozing with people, and managed to re-home all my cockerels!
And I have a maybe-a-buff-Brahma pullet making her self at home and making up for lost time at the feeder as I type this.

This was a great start to participating in this board.
Louella I am sorry to hear about your week. I am not attending this either. I am looking into some different places to have one up here.

Hey girls, the gentleman from TCS in Milford, NH would love to have us at another event, also told me that they have 3 TSC's in Maine! Scarboro (he suggested), Waterville and Bangor.
I thought where people from Southern Maine could get to the Milford Chickenstock if we had one in Waterville(or even Scarboro) that way those from further up in Maine folks could join in. Again, the gentleman at the Milford store told us to have the manager from our store call him and he would share his information and explain things, Super awsome!
The event today was amazing. Just amazing. I did post the information about the Poultry show in Farmington, Maine.
It was so great to meet those folks on the web site and many others. I never did give a reading- I am ashamed! To busy chatting with everyone- for someone that has social anxiety I sure wandered and babbled enough!
I'll post photos, I only managed to get a few.

Thanks Milford "gang" Great Event !!!
There, I had my nap and am all recovered, lol! The swap was great. Thanks so much to everyone who helped put it together. And a special thanks to chickn for taking my 3 little SF roos! That's me in chickn's pic holding one.

My daughter and I had a great time. She talked me into letting her get 4 little BLRW babies. Even my hubby had a good time and HE ADMITTED IT!!!!
If you got him from me & his named used to be Charlie, he's actually a Blue-laced Red (very light blue, though - he & his sister looked like little creamsicles when they were babies). And I am ecstatic to have found him such a good home.

Ah, yes, that is me. sorry for mixing up the Buff vs blue laced red. I am not so good with the colors/breeds but I'll learn. In any case, he's a welcome addition!

Glad everyone had a good time!​

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