New Hatchling


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I have a new chick that hatch yesturday about 2 pm. I keeped it in the incubator over night. And put it in its box with an heating lamp this morning. Its all sticky and it still has a blood bump on it. i would like to know is that okay and not to worry or what should i do to clean the chick to get the stickiness off and for the bump on its rump.
The 'blood bump' is its umbilical area...its belly button and should dry up on its own.

If the chick is still sticky or has dried but its feathers are glued down instead of fluffed up, it will need to be bathed in warm water, and then dried with a hair dryer, ensuring that the dryer does not get too close and burn it.

It would be a good idea to put a dab of antiseptic ointment on the navel if you have it....something like Neosporin.
Here are a few pictures of the chick

Hope that these a clear enough for you to see the bump.
It has got some fluffing and free movement too so I would give it another 24 to really allow that navel to seal off, then tie off the hanging piece of umbilical with cotton tied TIGHT around the lump first, snip off the end with scissors (just the hanging bit). Give the bath, dry him off then apply a dab of ointment to the remaining bump.

In the mean time, he will have less heat insulation because some of its fluff is stuck down so make sure it stays warm enough ( it should be happy to move in and out of the heat lamp, not be under it constantly).
An update on the baby chick. We lost the baby, our power went out and the baby didn't make it thru the night. Hope that everything goes better. Thanks, for all the info and advice on the baby chick.

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