New hen


It can take chickens a while to get used to one another so for a period of time, I'd set them up so they can see but not touch each other. Also, it's a good idea to keep the new birds separated from your current gal for a while so you can be sure the newbies are healthy and aren't bringing any sort of mites or illness to your current one. Look for information on "segregation" and "integration" using the Search Forums to read more about it.

Hope things work out well, best wishes!
So how long should I keep it away from the other ?
welcome!! it depends how they are acting toward each other when they are close to the separating fence...cautiously curious after 2 days? try putting them together with you there, handing out treats. just like any new critter to the family--gradually putting them together more and more until it's fine. You will know by how they act
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

I would allow them to see each other for about 2 weeks before mixing. This will give them.time to work it out without touching each other. Mixing too quickly will cause big fighting and most likely injury and blood. Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!

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