new hens...over breeding injuries? UPDATE: fowl pox


12 Years
Dec 11, 2007
We got two new hens today, leghorns. They have injuries to their combs and heads and the owner said they were from mating injuries, that the roosters were grabbing their combs. Since we've never had roosters (are fairly new chicken owners), I wanted to check and make sure that's what these injuries are, and not some sort of disease (got a little scared following fowlpox links!) Here are some pictures, the first two are one bird and the second two are the other.





And beyond the issue of diagnosis, how should we treat it, or is it okay to let them heal on their own? Also, since this is someone we know (we got some chicks for her when we got ours), and our space is limited, I wasn't planning on separating, but now we're trying to rig something up if need be. Should it be okay to put them together or do we absolutely need to keep them separate?

Thanks so much, as always!
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Roosters will do that. The places looked scabbed over and there doesn't appear to be infection from what I see in the photos. Roosters will cause balding on the back too.

I would give them good feed, clean water and offer them some extra protein and some cooked rice with yogurt and chopped boiled eggs. They could use the protein for healing and getting their feathers back in shape. If you have meat scraps in your kitchen they will benefit from them. Even a cup of worms or some crickets now that warm weather has the fisherman out and bait is plentiful in shops to give them a boost.

I would keep them separate and the groups far away from each other as possible. Ihe different chickens have different germs and bacteria they are carrying that could make the other group seriously ill and even could be fatal. 30 days apart and watch for signs of illness is always best.

Let me a find a link for you -
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Thanks MissPrissy and SpottedCrow!

We've got them set up in the other side yard, so as separate as can be, and they seem to be doing well. I'll keep them separate as long as is feasible (the side yard gets hot and its getting hotter as summer comes on full force). They are very skittish, and wouldn't even eat the ear of corn I gave them today (my other three girls gobbled one down). So it'll be an adjustment for them, but all will be well.

Thanks again!
Turns out it was/is fowl pox. The old owner just called. Any suggestions/thoughts? We have kept them separated...but since it's spread by mosquitos (which we have plenty of!) I'm not sure how to keep my other chickens protected, or even if it's too late.

In the back of my mind...I did kind of think it was fowl pox.

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