New here… but I already love it!

I enjoy reading updates and doing random searches.
Welcome to BYC!!
I use BYC for lots of things - I am always eager to learn more more about my favorite hobby - chickens! There is more accumulated knowledge here than in all the books ever written on the subject but because the members offer up their valuable real life experiences, it is real - not just theoretical. I also use it to dream - adding different kinds of poultry to my farm. I've recently gotten into ducks and am thinking about pheasant or quail. These threads prepare me to take the plunge. Then when I'm feeling the need to be entertained I head over to the social forums for more light-hearted pursuits. I think mostly though I use BYC to absorb knowledge and get questions answered that are pertinent to me. It's been an invaluable tool for me and has helped me immensely. I hope you find it useful, too.
from Alabama. Glad you joined us. I just enjoy surfing through all of the different sections. Having such a large amount of information right at my fingertips is wonderful, not to mention being able to see pictures of other people's birds and dreaming about what breeds to add next. And of course, with how many members there are, it makes you feel so much better about being chicken crazy
Enjoy BYC!
Where to begin? There is so many great sections to be discovered at BYC! The coop section is so amazing because of every ones creativity in coop designs. There is so much information on this site right before your eyes. If I have a sick bird BYC is the first place I come to for information and normally I can get my questions answered very fast by such a great group of intelligent informative people with so much knowledge! I can get lost while reading and before I know it hours have past by! I can always find something new everyday to read. BYC is such a great learning experience. Have fun!

Thanks everybody! Ya'll are so nice! I'm glad to know I'm not the only chicken crazy person around here.
I definitely like this website!
I became a BYC addict 2 years ago. Besides reading all of the current recent activity threads, I would recommend going up to Forum and then reading everything you can on on Raising Backyard Chickens, and of course read the Learning Center probably first. I keep a notebook on my computer desk that I jot down things I have learned on here, people who raise certain breeds, or interesting thing I want to look up. The threads for the different breeds and the one "Chickens For 20 Years or More" are good for new people.

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