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In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2016
Hello, I am new here. We have 9 chickens. 1 rooster and 8 hens. 6 RIR and 3 araucaunas. They just started laying 2 weeks ago at 18 weeks, we have been getting 1 or 2 a day. Today we got 3! Tips on getting them to lay in their boxes? Currently have a couple golf balls, clean pine shavings, and spruce the coop herbs in there. We've only gotten 2 in/around their boxes. TIA!!
Welcome to BYC! Happy you joined us. I think you are doing everything correctly...the girls just need a little time to know where they are supposed to lay. Are you finding the eggs near the nest boxes in the henhouse or out in the run? I have in the past locked young hens in their henhouse (with food and water) to stop them from laying outside. They got the hang after a couple days. Good luck to you!
Hi and welcome to BYC! Sounds like you have a great flock! Thanks for joining us!
Welcome to Backyard chickens what material are your nest boxes made of? I know some folks use metal ones- I would think they feel like ovens in hot weather. Maybe that's why hens won't use them.
so glad you have joined us and congrats on your eggs.

If you post a pic of your nest boxes, you may get better opines on how to get them to use those.

IMO from "research" when one of my 6 was a floor layer, I found that some are floor layers and may or may not move to the nests, but most will be nest layers. Making the nests dark and "private" can be the key. If the some nests are being used - evaluate what makes those more desirable. Curtains for privacy can help - it worked for me.
Their little stackable laundry basket looking plastic baskets. I seen a couple photos of them on here. I got them at big lots.
I may try curtains. It should be dark in there. There's only room for those 3 boxes in their little nesting nook. I'll have to get some better pics tmrw :)

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