New here. =)


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014

We live in Washington. Recently purchased my lifelong dream....a farm for our horses.. Recently got our 1st chickens. 2 Black Copper Marans hens, a beautiful BCM Roo and 2 Splash hens...I'm hooked!!! Been lurking and learning a lot here. Thanks for the wonderful forum.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new farm! Good luck with your horses and your new chicks!
Thanks Kelsie2290!! I've waited a long time for this. I was beginning to think I'd be too old before it did. :)

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, this is the place to be when you own poultry! And congrats on finding your dream home! No better feeling then feeling like you have finally found your home

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Thank you TwoCrows,

Oh the house will come. We found a piece of property with a barn and are in the works for building. It will be so worth it once it's done. RV life isn't really for me, but sure beats living in a tent. :)

Loving my flock!

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