New in the Northwest


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2020
Hi there, I'm Minty!

I am new to keeping chickens, although I've been wanting to for several years now. I first played Harvest Moon when I was 12ish and have wanted to have a hobby farm since then. Currently, I have no chickens, but I would like to get Austrolorps or Buff Orpingtons.

I also enjoy sewing and cross stitch, and I've been trying to get into knitting. I've started a small hobby garden this year, with no expectations of success ;P I also enjoy reading, writing, and video games.

I live by myself, or at least with no other humans. I currently have 5 cats (I rescued a litter of 4 this past Thanksgiving), as well as a betta who has 4 snail tankmates. I had a hamster who developed cancer after only 6 months. I would like to get another hamster once I have more space, but for now, with the 4 additional cats, I can't close off a room for a ham. I have an elderly father living next door I'll probably reference from time to time.

I'm excited to start my flock and hope to chat with you soon!


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