New in Vermont! Very excited!

Hi and
HI!! From CA although I am a Vermont transplant. My family lived in Underhill for many many many generations and my parents were the first to leave New England since the Mayflower... I spent all my winters and summers out there growing up and my Grandpa was a professor emeritus at UVM. So Welcome.. I sure miss it back there, you will have to post pics!!
Welcome from ohio! I have a home in east hardwick bout 30 minutes from waterbury. Vermont is by far my favorite state!

I'm not too far from you - I'm in CT ...

Good luck with your chickens ! I love ours - they are so funny - each with different personalities. I have some Commets aka red sexlinks - that will try to eat the buttons and zippers on anything I'm wearing - I guess they like the shiny stuff. They even peck at my flashlight when I go out to close them up - silly girls. Along with them I have a barred rock, rhode island red, black austrolorp, brown leghorn, easter egger and, unfortunately, just one silkie left. Had something go through my coop last month - never did pinpoint it - that got the other 5 silkies I had
Still researching it ... but I guess I'll never know. But, I do have 6 fuzzybutts coming in May. My son loves the chickens and wanted (or was that me suggesting it to him ? ) to replace our losses - so being a good mommie - I said OK. He picked some wyandotts, a blue andelusian, two easter eggers, and a cochin.

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