New in Vermont! Very excited!


hi Amanda

i'm kate raised in underhill, living in montpelier

hatched four bbs orps eleven days ago

have twenty-two more in the incubator

so far no coop or run, and the way the snow keeps coming down, not sure when i'll get to that

i'm an architect during the day, and love to ride bikes and hike/romp with my dog lilly the rest of the time

she's a rescue and i'm working hard with her to have her like the four chicks and more on the way

so far, so good
Thanks Kate! Your little ones are adorable!

We have no run yet either, but our chicks aren't coming in until the end of April, hopefully the snow will be gone by then. I'm really wanting to get out and work on my shed-coop conversion project, but a lot of my scrap lumber is still buried in the snow!

Don't you have a Tractor Supply near Montpelier? Is it a good one? We checked out the new one in Shelburne last weekend, but Montpelier is really just as close for us.
from Ocala, FL and

Well lets see, to answer some of your question.

We have 10 hens and a bunch of chicks I just hatched out in my homemade incubator.
We've had chickens since just before I joined BYC.
I have various different breeds to include, 5 BA, 1 WO, 1 BLRW, 1 NN, and 2 EE.
Besides chickens I like to garden and I do cake decorating.
I also live in Chittenden county. My very first three chicks will arrive this Friday and I'm very excited.
I have a Plymouth BR, Buff Orp and an Ameraucana coming. Have you had success with yours so far?
Thanks and

We have 7 chicks (1 died on the way home) and they are all doing well at 3 weeks. We also have 5 pullets and 2 laying hens I've managed to pick up since I ordered the chicks. They are all doing well, although we just became aware of a fox scoping out our yard (quite the encounter with him and my cat last night), so we are anxious to get everyone secure in our big-coop-in-progress. We've got chicks in the brooder in the house, 2 hens a tractor coop in the driveway and 5 pullets in quarantine out in the back yard!

These chickens are addicting!

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