New Jersey

Thus show will be a great place to bring Ocean County kids interested in 4-H! Llandry, I know you were interested. It would be great for you to stop by. PM Zach for details, if you, or anyone else is interested.
NJchix & Shadowrabbit- I neutered the cuuuuuuuutest boy bunny today and thought of you both! He's rediculously cute. More like a dog than a bunny. He has really shaggy hair. Not like medium length hair, more like messy hair. Only on his head and face. It looks like a bad case of bed head. He has really floppy ears too like Eor from whinnie the pooh. So cute!  Hhhmmm, maybe i'll bring a bunny home................. :)

What's one more rabbit gonna do? :) They are very similar to chickens care wise. Make sure you pick a good breed (or mix) though!
Thus show will be a great place to bring Ocean County kids interested in 4-H! Llandry, I know you were interested. It would be great for you to stop by. PM Zach for details, if you, or anyone else is interested.

Thanks! I sent him a message and i'm definitely going to go to get some information and check it out.
I have a 4 week old roo crow from the brooder today talk about weird off to the auction to get rid of the roos
Lol. The little chicks seem to get up about every two hours at night to have their little munchie party then back to bed before the next one. I hear them around 1 and 3am then after that I'm too asleep to be bothered. I think Niblet (the injured one) is talking to them when they wake up each time. I feel better it gives her some company too. I'm hoping its just a girls party now, and no crowing, as I believe I've found homes for all the boys.
Sounds really cute. Maybe slip him under your jacket on the way out, lol. Having a rough week here. My arthritis is going heywire thanks to insurance changing med policy. My GL Brahma was always subject to pecking, and they got her good on Monday. Trying to heal her indoors but she has some infection and about an inch of tailbone exposed. Ugh poor thing. She is eating and drinking so that's good. I'm doing my best cleaning it daily. She is. Issuing a lot of flesh. I just don't know if I'm doing right by her. Then one of my five wellsummers just took a down turn today. It is smaller that the others. Probably wont make it. :( and its a girl. Looks like it will be an extra bottle of wine weekend. Hey how about the snow? Sure does make it look pretty outside. But then tomorrow will be like spring and in the 50's. just crazy.
I have some Blu Cote if you'd like to borrow it for your Brahma. It's an ant-bacterial spray and I've had decent luck with other birds not pecking again once the victim is sprayed with it.
Let me know if you'd like to drop by and get it.
I have some Blu Cote if you'd like to borrow it for your Brahma. It's an ant-bacterial spray and I've had decent luck with other birds not pecking again once the victim is sprayed with it.
Let me know if you'd like to drop by and get it.
Thanks but I do have it. I've been using betadine, neosporin and blu kote. She's having trouble passing poop, either from pain or damage to the area. I washed the area again this morning and it looks better except her vent area is just a hole now. I will give her a couple more days and if things don't change I'm going to have to cull her.

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