New Jersey

When I went to hawkers on Sat. and someone left a hooded rat in a box on the bleachers. I really need to find him a home. Any takers? He is super friendly!!!
Really so sad. I know it's just a rat but it was raised by people. And they are intelligent. Your a good person for taking it. I'm not in the market for a rat, lol but maybe shadow rabbit can fit it in. She has lots of creatures. Just kidding shadow.
Really so sad. I know it's just a rat but it was raised by people. And they are intelligent. Your a good person for taking it. I'm not in the market for a rat, lol but maybe shadow rabbit can fit it in. She has lots of creatures. Just kidding shadow. 

Haha! I wish. My mom won't let me have anymore indoor pets besides my frog and lizard. Especially mammals.
Hatch day is here! My EE's are early birds, three are already out and two more are on the way. I don't see much going on with the other eggs yet, but I don't want to disturb them and it's still early.

Here are the 3 that are out - little yellow and blue chipmunks!

Hatch day is here! My EE's are early birds, three are already out and two more are on the way. I don't see much going on with the other eggs yet, but I don't want to disturb them and it's still early.

Here are the 3 that are out - little yellow and blue chipmunks!

So cute. Was thinking about you today. Hope the rest do well keep us posted.
I am from bergen county nj. I am on day twenty and still no chicks. I thought i saw some eggs moving but i think i pushed on the desk ever so slightly to make two move. I either have leghorns or rir. If anybody wants chicks at the end of march early april i might have 14 or so chicks for sale at $2 a chick...if anybody is interested pm me. I know i am counting my chicks before they hatch but if they do i can not keep them. I want to be prepared before hand. Pm me since i highly doubt i will check back here
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Hatch day is here! My EE's are early birds, three are already out and two more are on the way. I don't see much going on with the other eggs yet, but I don't want to disturb them and it's still early. Here are the 3 that are out - little yellow and blue chipmunks!
they are so cute! If they don't give everyone chick fever i don't know what will.
Well today was another windy day....... I didn't get covered in shavings since i wasn't wet like yesterday but i was wearing chapstick :( Not as funny as yesterday since the shavings that stuck to my mouth were ones i had just swept out of the coop. Ok, it's kinda funny hee hee.

It's funny how if it's our own pets fur or feathers that gets in our mouths it's no big deal. I pick dog hair out of my food all the time. I've opened a new box of cereal and swear i've found my dogs hair in it. I'd throw up if a persons hair was in my food. That's including my own.

I thought of you njchix as i was putting two eggs in my pocket and quickly put one in the other pocket. I figured after the mouth full of shavings i better not test fate :)
Well today was another windy day....... I didn't get covered in shavings since i wasn't wet like yesterday but i was wearing chapstick
Not as funny as yesterday since the shavings that stuck to my mouth were ones i had just swept out of the coop. Ok, it's kinda funny hee hee.

It's funny how if it's our own pets fur or feathers that gets in our mouths it's no big deal. I pick dog hair out of my food all the time. I've opened a new box of cereal and swear i've found my dogs hair in it. I'd throw up if a persons hair was in my food. That's including my own.

I thought of you njchix as i was putting two eggs in my pocket and quickly put one in the other pocket. I figured after the mouth full of shavings i better not test fate :)
Lol. Yes funny about the hair. Now I'm a clean freak and when the dog is shedding your not even aloud to pet him in my house. He blows his coat 2x a year and if you pet him its like launching tumbleweeds. If I have to bake for school or company it's like a sterile surgical field in the kitchen for fear of a stray hair lol. And I'll never do that again with the eggs.

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