New Jersey

New chicks have to grow feathers before attempting to move them outdoors. this takes 6 weeks or more. Some people put them outdoors on nice days and then in the coop or brooder at nite. I guess it depends on your setup. I am hatching turkeys and I want to concentrate on them this spring. If you incubate eggs, it takes 21 days for them to hatch. Then they need to grow feathers etc. Alot of feed stores have been offering chicks since the beginning of the month.
We have wrapped our chicken run in plastic also. We placed a tarp on the roof. We ended up doing this when our hens developed frost bite when we had our first really bad freeze at night after a rain storm. We were told to keep them warm to prevent the frostbite from getting worse. It was suggested that we bring them indoors, but since we had 6 hens with frostbite, we didn't want to bring that many birds inside. We also placed a heat lamp in the coop. We read all of the pro's and con's about doing this, but decided that it was the best way for us to keep the injured hens warm in our situation. With the way the weather has been this winter, I can't imagine not having our chicken run covered. We spread several large bags of leaves down in the run. It gives the hens something to do while "cooped" up with the snow on the ground. They like to scratch through them to get to the scratch grains we throw in there.
Can't wait for the weather to break!
Hey everyone! Im visiting my family in philly. My uncle has a few pigeons. So i decided to to the coop to check on them. I was terrified to find a hawk in the coop!it was too late for one bird. I was terrified, and so was the hawk. He was frantically trying to find his way out which made me more nervous. He finally found the hole he came in from and flew out. I have never been that close to a hawk. Honestly those eyes scared me. Im tramatized.
Wow what a visit you are having. Now you can tell your "girls" about the time you looked death in the eyes and survived! Your chickens will forever look at you in awe! Seriously, I hope you fixed that hole so no more pigeons become hawk bait. You are the second person who had to deal with a hawk in the coop in the last few weeks. I hope that never happens here.
Yey so excited its the first warm day in what seems like forever! :)
I made & put up new roosts for my girls :)
Some of them couldn't/wouldn't get up on the original long high one so made 2 shorter ones ... one high / one low.
Guess we'll see what they think of it tonight :)

I also started doing that this year, but every couple of weeks when the wind gets rough it gets ripped off and we have to repair it. :/ I've wrapped my coop for the past two winters - best thing I ever did. Girls out everyday. Remember, if you go this route, to make sure there's plenty of ventilation.
Whoops, guess I typed that in the quote. I also have a roof on my run. I use crimped plexiglass and drilled it over the top of the run. I made sure it was slanted so the rain runs off. It really keeps the run a lot dryer, and more secure from hawks. It does not provide shade however.
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Wow what a visit you are having. Now you can tell your "girls" about the time you looked death in the eyes and survived! Your chickens will forever look at you in awe! Seriously, I hope you fixed that hole so no more pigeons become hawk bait. You are the second person who had to deal with a hawk in the coop in the last few weeks. I hope that never happens here.

I hope that doesn't ever happen to me again! He did fix up that hole, hopefully they'll be safe!

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