New Jersey

I need to vent... So my neighbors, who rent the house next door, got two dogs. One is about 8 months old and the other is about 4 months old. The keep getting loose and they do not respond to the owner or any commands. Today they got loose and immediately ran into my yard and began attacking my birds. The owner came running over and couldn't manage to get control over the 8 month old. My poor rooster lost all of his tail and the better part of his hackle feathers. He survived though... this time. I am far more concerned about what would have happened if my 8 year old had been out playing in the yard. So now I am left with deciding how to handle the neighbors. They have been good neighbors and we like them, but I should be able to allow my kid to play in the yard without worrying about her being attacked by a dog. Clearly they do not know how to manage/train a dog of this nature. These are big dogs (the older one is about 60+ lbs at 8 months and the little one is about 40 at 4 months). They are a breed that requires a strong alpha trainer. 
there is a leash law in new jersey dogs can not go outside without a leash if there is no fence. My question to you is could you and your neighbor come to some agreement on either a fence or a vet bill when their dogs do damage. Maybe just an I'm afraid the dogs my harm my kid, see what they say. If they are as good a neighbor as you say, they would one, do the responsible thing as a dog owner not just for the neighbors but their dog, and you as a chicken owner must protect your chickens and your child. If it happens again I'd call animal control and tell them what is happening. Good luck.
I need to vent... So my neighbors, who rent the house next door, got two dogs. One is about 8 months old and the other is about 4 months old. The keep getting loose and they do not respond to the owner or any commands. Today they got loose and immediately ran into my yard and began attacking my birds. The owner came running over and couldn't manage to get control over the 8 month old. My poor rooster lost all of his tail and the better part of his hackle feathers. He survived though... this time. I am far more concerned about what would have happened if my 8 year old had been out playing in the yard. So now I am left with deciding how to handle the neighbors. They have been good neighbors and we like them, but I should be able to allow my kid to play in the yard without worrying about her being attacked by a dog. Clearly they do not know how to manage/train a dog of this nature. These are big dogs (the older one is about 60+ lbs at 8 months and the little one is about 40 at 4 months). They are a breed that requires a strong alpha trainer. 

Yes im an animal control officer and although every town has their own ordinances ALL of NJ has leash laws & Running at Large laws.
Definitely call animal control tomorrow to put in report (can be anonymous) just so its on file that this happened. I can't tell you how many times ive taken calls after its too late (ie. Child gets bit, animal/pet gets bit/killed) & the caller says ...this isn't the 1st time...Although it's the first time I'm hearing it.
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I need to vent... So my neighbors, who rent the house next door, got two dogs. One is about 8 months old and the other is about 4 months old. The keep getting loose and they do not respond to the owner or any commands. Today they got loose and immediately ran into my yard and began attacking my birds. The owner came running over and couldn't manage to get control over the 8 month old. My poor rooster lost all of his tail and the better part of his hackle feathers. He survived though... this time. I am far more concerned about what would have happened if my 8 year old had been out playing in the yard. So now I am left with deciding how to handle the neighbors. They have been good neighbors and we like them, but I should be able to allow my kid to play in the yard without worrying about her being attacked by a dog. Clearly they do not know how to manage/train a dog of this nature. These are big dogs (the older one is about 60+ lbs at 8 months and the little one is about 40 at 4 months). They are a breed that requires a strong alpha trainer.

I'm so glad to hear your rooster is ok! I agree with the previous people. Id talk to my neighbors, and still make a report. Even though they are nice people, their dogs could be on the loose at anytime. I'd want to feel a sense of security when I'm on my property, and they should respect your actions too.
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there is a leash law in new jersey dogs can not go outside without a leash if there is no fence. My question to you is could you and your neighbor come to some agreement on either a fence or a vet bill when their dogs do damage. Maybe just an I'm afraid the dogs my harm my kid, see what they say. If they are as good a neighbor as you say, they would one, do the responsible thing as a dog owner not just for the neighbors but their dog, and you as a chicken owner must protect your chickens and your child. If it happens again I'd call animal control and tell them what is happening. Good luck.
The neighbor rents, so we would have to deal with the owner. To be honest, I am surprised he allowed them to get a dog, let alone two gigantic dogs whose breeds will make it very challenging to maintain a homeowners insurance. I doubt he will be willing to build a fence even if we split the cost and it would be about 1000 foot of fence. We also live in an area where there really are no fences (except for pastures). There will be no vet bill, there is no vet around here that takes care of chickens, we cull when seriously injured. So we would be discussing replacement costs. The bird this dog mangled today is my dark brahma rooster. He is a perfect rooster in all respects (conformity, personality, hen care, etc).

I am far more concerned for the people in this scenario.

I plan to discuss this with them tomorrow. I was too upset today to have a reasonable conversation and so was the neighbor. She was extremely apologetic, but that won't help if someone gets injured. The husband had mentioned putting in one of those "invisible" fences with the shock collar, but I don't know if I trust it if they don't train the dog to it properly.
Yes im an animal control officer and although every town has their own ordinances ALL of NJ has leash laws & Running at Large laws.
Definitely call animal control tomorrow to put in report (can be anonymous) just so its on file that this happened. I can't tell you how many times ive taken calls after its too late (ie. Child gets bit, animal/pet gets bit/killed) & the caller says ...this isn't the 1st time...Although it's the first time I'm hearing it.
There is no anonymous when you are essentially the only neighbor... I have documented the incident in file with pictures from the carnage and will do the same with the conversation tomorrow. I am hoping that they do the responsible thing and rehome the dog. If not, I will make the call to animal control and/or the landlord. They said to me the other day that the dog was loose for hours and they couldn't find it. So, it is just a matter of time. They better hope it doesn't get loose and go into the farmer down the roads fields, he will shoot it if it is near his livestock.
I have become very intolerant of other people's dogs over the years. I have 2 german shepherds who are very well trained and also search dogs (so technically very valuable). For their safety (and training), I have become a bit 'rude' with other people and their dogs and am firm about people keeping their unleashed (always friendly ha, ha) dogs away from mine.

We moved to a farm 1.5 years ago and now have chickens--no dog will be tolerated on my property! Thankfully the only neighbor with an unleashed dog moved (and before that my dogs convinced the little bugger that it was a bad idea to come over and mark our driveway). My birds are pastured and behind a wire fence. It probably wont keep out a determined dog, but at least delay an attack so if I am home I can get outside.

A reasonably cheap fencing solution is T-posts and welded wire. I ran a length of fence along the side of my property that runs along the road. 100' of fencing is under $100 and posts are maybe $5-8 each. Since it is a removable fence, maybe the neighbor would be willing to fence in their dogs. They dont have to fence the whole property, just an area for the dogs. A 4' to 5' fence would probably be adequate. I have gotten field fencing from tractor supply, but I am sure there is cheaper fencing from home depot type stores.

Sorry you are now stuck with this situation. The dogs cannot be off their property with out a leash.
I am too dealing with loose dogs.. My dog was jumped twice in one week, and the owners were idiots. Just because nj has a leash law doesn't mean squat. And here in farmland everyone feels its ok for dogs to roam. Me and my neighbor and my realtor are the only people with fences to contain our dogs. Its a pain cause aco here does crap about it
The owner came over today to see me. He was extremely apologetic and let me know that his wife was just sick over this all night and that they had talked about taking the dog to the shelter. He doesn't want to have the dog destroyed, but has assured me that this will never happen again (I know, I know, I think the same thing and said it to him "until it does") and that they are going to enroll the dog in formal training classes. I do think it says a lot that he came over to my house (I was going to go over to his today to discuss this). He was not defensive of the dogs actions at all and seemed exasperated about the challenge this dog has presented them. Maybe the training will help. I have had several dogs go through formal dog obedience training courses and I feel it really helps. Too many owners don't really know how to train a dog and sometimes just get lucky with one and think they will all be like that.

I suggested that we all (our dogs and theirs and all the kids) get together several times a week to socialize and that we also desensitize the dogs to the birds. My own dog is a hound and will kill a chicken if given the chance, she is also a runner so we have to be vigilant about her not getting loose. We are working with her as well. She must maintain a sit stay in the run while I let the birds out and goes in the coop to do the same when I collect the eggs, so far so good, but it is in her nature to hunt them.

I stressed that I am fearful that the dog might attack a person, particularly my child and that even if the dog was being "playful" it could hurt her. I also stressed that continued issues would not be tolerated. At least we are talking about it and that means that we can solve the problem and that it won't be a surprise if I escalate things if it continues. I would have no problem with the dog if she trains well and is proved not to be aggressive toward people. Chickens are a whole other thing. It is a lot to ask of a dog to not chase the noisy, flapping, delicious smelling, creature that every instinct is telling them to chase. Keeping the dog from getting loose is the solution to that issue, making sure they are not aggressive will prevent a tragedy if they do get loose.

I really appreciate everyone listening to my rant... it helps to have folks who understand the challenges.
Besides training maybe they should put two runners up so the dogs can go outside but be tethered so they cant run loose. An electric fence is not 100% containsble( tell that to me and my dog who had a chow/sharpei mix charge thru his electric fence across a road at us).. Tethering on a runner cable is safer ..,

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