New Jersey

Hiya guys - Warren County here and I have two khaki campbell drakes looking for a good home. Also needing a home shortly - two tiny serama roos! message me if interested :)

Hope you all are getting through the heat wave alright....
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Hey fellow NJ-ians. My coop is going to be finished in the next day or two and I've been calling around but no one seems to have available birds for sale this weekend.

Anyone here have or know of anywhere to get some chickens to start our flock (started pullets or laying hens)? We're in Bergen, but willing to drive a bit if needed.
Thedigitale - what kind of hens are you looking for and how many? I could help you out with some white leghorns if you like. Possibly a couple of seramas.

I'd like a leghorn, but the issue is, we want a mixed flock, and only have room for 6-8 birds, and we don't want to start with 1 chicken. If we could another 1-2 chickens of different breeds this weekend, I would love to grab a leghorn from you.
You had some great hatches on shipped eggs before. Are these your eggs this time?
Yes these were my eggs and I had another awesome hatch. 8 out of 9 (I pulled a few eggs the first week that I could confirm were duds) hatched but the 9th was a darker egg so I never really knew if it was even fertile (my poor rooster has 35 ladies so it's not surprising that some eggs were duds to even begin with, (I was happy to get a couple of non polish eggs fertile). I did have one baby that pipped in the middle of the egg near the yolk sac but I was able to do a successful assist.
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