New Jersey

Oh they are cute! No little piggy yet. My kids are asking for a rabbit now. They are so lucky that I love animals, lol. I'm sure you will sell them fast.
We now have had a second litter of piggies. Blk and whites. $65.00 for males and $80.00 for females. Thought I would post it up here first cause they go fast once I put them on Craiglist in case anyone is interested. These are mini pigs and will only get to be about 40lbs. with a proper diet. Right now we have 4 males and one female that will be ready to go on Junes 22nd. They will be wormed and eating solid foods.

You know they say chickens are a "gateway" animal.... Once you see how easy they are to raise you want others...LOL.
You know they say chickens are a "gateway" animal.... Once you see how easy they are to raise you want others...LOL.

Oh I better not let my husband read that! Lol.

Since the coop isn't ready yet, the chickens have decided that the kids climb and play house will do just fine. 

Is that not so cute. They want to play too. Today mine managed to destroy my whole patch of black eyes Susan's.
They are so cute! We don't have much room in my backyard thanks to our pool, so we are going to build a mini playground inside their run. Yours look like they are having fun!
Oh I better not let my husband read that! Lol.
Is that not so cute. They want to play too. Today mine managed to destroy my whole patch of black eyes Susan's.
I can sympathize with you. I should have written that while they were comfortably roosting in the shade, I was in the blarring sun re-planting half an herb garden because they ate it! I didn't mind though.
So it's supposed to get really hot here in NJ in the next few days... What's everyone doing to help their little flocks beat the heat? I'm worried because now I'm working 7-3 due to having to pick kids up from summer camp by 3:30... So any fixes I set up have to be done at around 6:30 before I leave... I think ice will melt before it gets really hot for the day!
I took this week off. It's the week between school letting out and camp starting. I haven't given the heat much thought until you mentioned it. I didnbt have chickens last summer either. hhhhmmmmm...... my chickens are still in their temporary home in the make shift coop in the garage. Do you think keeping windows open and an oscillating fan should be enough? If the yard is shady, are they better inside or out?
My chicks aren't outside yet, but for my rabbits,we bought powerful machinery fans from a friend and hooked them up to their hutches. We were going to do the same for the birds. For temporary use, we freeze tile samples you can buy from the store and place them in the cages. This works for a time, but will ware off. We usaually take animals inside in travel carriers for the day, but I don't know how this will be possible with chickens. At least they are hardier than rabbits. I better get brainstorming. I don't know about you guys, but our local temps are supposed to reach 90 degrees this week. Ugh. :/

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