I knew May (white hen) was sitting & she came out with 12 adorable keets yesterday
. Proud pap is a big help - I love to watch the interaction with them. Keeping most for myself but my horse trimmer wants a few, too. So thrilled to have babies again
If you click the Uploads link above you will open a page that lets you choose which file to upload (click the choose file button and navigate to where you have your pic stored on your computer). It also give you the option of what size you'd like to resize it to (if needed). Then click submit... it will add the pic to your BYC storage and give you an IMG link you can then copy and paste on your post that will display the pic on the body of the post after you submit your edit. Some of us use unrelated photo storage sites where you basically do the same thing, upload your pics to your photo storage account, get the IMG link and then paste it here on your post. Hope that helps.
Last year, DH wanted to take all 18 away (went over REAL well with them & me....) so we didn't lose any. This year I said forget it - only the 5 (easier said than done though). Can't wait for that...