New kennel run


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
Rockland, ME
Got a great deal on a used 10'x10' dog kennel today on Craigslist today. We managed to get it up before it started hailing. The plan is to put a hardware cloth skirt all the way around. Would 2' up and 2' on the ground be sufficient? We will also be covering the top with poultry wire to keep out threats from above and eventually roofing over half of it (all?) for shade and shelter. We have 3 Leghorns and 3 Golden Comets that are 5-6 weeks old and have only been in the coop for a week now. Hoping to get this done next weekend so they can start to explore the great outdoor.
Its looks like it will be a really good pen for them

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