New Kid on the Block


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 14, 2012
Just wanted to say Hello out there. My mom and I recently (well about 4 months ago) became the proud owner of 4 chickens. We both have one Rhode Island Red and one Wine-dot. I don't know if I spelled those correctly. Our chickens lives are so different you would think you were watching the chicken version of the Prince and the Pauper.

My mom has her chickens at her house and they live in very nice chicken coop called "The Tavern". They are very pampered and very spoiled. Their names are Double and Trouble. See I brought my mom the two chickens for her birthday. She thought for sure she was going to be in Double Trouble with my dad because she had these chickens. Turns out Dad was ok with them after all. To update this story...Double passed away a few days ago. My mom came out and just found her dead inside the coop right outside of her nesting box. My mother was hysterical. I don't think that chicken could of had a better life. She was only 8 months old.

My chickens live in an old chewed up dog house with an old crate as a ramp and an old desk drawer as their nesting box. Oh yes and an old ax handle as their roost. I don't have a lot of money...well I don't have any money really. Just barely enough to get their feed. So I have tried to make up their home from things around the farm. It has worked so far but winter is headed this way so I am going to have to make some changes. My girls names are Thelma and Louise. :) They seem to be pretty happy. They come when they are called and boy do they put out some eggs. They have taken very good care of me and I try my very best to take care of them.

So hello again and thanks for having me.

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