New layer destroying coop?


Apr 9, 2023
I have 3 new layers, about 6 months old now and the hen I’m posting about specifically was the first of the 3 to lay, about the end of July. Once they all started to lay, it seems, she’s lost her marbles…. They all want to / do lay their eggs in the first of 3 nesting boxes. I have hemp bedding in the coop and Eaton hemp nesting pads in each box. About a week after the 3rd hen started laying, she’s been frantic inside of the coop/boxes tearing up the nesting pads in all 3 boxes, scratching all the bedding around, pulling the eggs out of the nesting boxes (important to note she is NOT eating the eggs or attempting to- I think maybe they’re getting pulled out along with the nesting pads as collateral damage) and she’ll do this all day long. She seems stressed while she’s doing it and I’m at a loss as to why/what’s going on. Is this normal???? We went away for 3 days and came back, should have had 8 eggs if everyone laid every day. There have been days they don’t lay every day and some days they lay soft eggs / multiples in a day because they’re all new layers, but I’m worried that she didn’t lay at all the days we were gone and was too preoccupied tearing up the coop. Is this behavior that can happen when they become egg bound or sick? Just not sure what to do, if anything, about it to help her. I did take all the nesting pads out and replaced them with the “fake grass” pads thar she can’t shred to see if that helps her tomorrow.
I’d say take all the pads out. We use hemp bedding as well, and as soon as I clean the coop and replace it all, the girls go in there and fling it all to high heaven. I’ve never used pads, but she may be upset because she can’t scratch at it and redistribute it the way she likes?
I have 3 new layers, about 6 months old now and the hen I’m posting about specifically was the first of the 3 to lay, about the end of July. Once they all started to lay, it seems, she’s lost her marbles…. They all want to / do lay their eggs in the first of 3 nesting boxes. I have hemp bedding in the coop and Eaton hemp nesting pads in each box. About a week after the 3rd hen started laying, she’s been frantic inside of the coop/boxes tearing up the nesting pads in all 3 boxes, scratching all the bedding around, pulling the eggs out of the nesting boxes (important to note she is NOT eating the eggs or attempting to- I think maybe they’re getting pulled out along with the nesting pads as collateral damage) and she’ll do this all day long. She seems stressed while she’s doing it and I’m at a loss as to why/what’s going on. Is this normal???? We went away for 3 days and came back, should have had 8 eggs if everyone laid every day. There have been days they don’t lay every day and some days they lay soft eggs / multiples in a day because they’re all new layers, but I’m worried that she didn’t lay at all the days we were gone and was too preoccupied tearing up the coop. Is this behavior that can happen when they become egg bound or sick? Just not sure what to do, if anything, about it to help her. I did take all the nesting pads out and replaced them with the “fake grass” pads thar she can’t shred to see if that helps her tomorrow.
You have described my Whiting True Green Hilda to a "T" She was and still is in the coop whenever I look there. Going through all of the 5 boxes...I say that, but she kicked out, or "adjusted" all of the Eaton nesting pads everyday! She wasn't eating the eggs but a few everyday were getting damaged. And I had to put a new pad in whenever there was was getting very expensive...So not knowing how to fix the chicken, I spent some more money and bought a 4' x 8' rug of astroturf and cut 4" strips to screw to sides of each nesting box, and cut 5 squares to line the bottoms. I didn't screw those in so I can take them out and hose them off if they get dirty. Then I took 1 of the Eaton nesting pads and took a good handful and put some in each box. She hasn't kicked any out since. But like I said she is ALWAYS there policing the nest boxes.... I thought maybe she was going to be a broody, but I rarely catch her in there sitting:lau
I doubt I helped you at all but at least we can commiserate together 😁
You have described my Whiting True Green Hilda to a "T" She was and still is in the coop whenever I look there. Going through all of the 5 boxes...I say that, but she kicked out, or "adjusted" all of the Eaton nesting pads everyday! She wasn't eating the eggs but a few everyday were getting damaged. And I had to put a new pad in whenever there was was getting very expensive...So not knowing how to fix the chicken, I spent some more money and bought a 4' x 8' rug of astroturf and cut 4" strips to screw to sides of each nesting box, and cut 5 squares to line the bottoms. I didn't screw those in so I can take them out and hose them off if they get dirty. Then I took 1 of the Eaton nesting pads and took a good handful and put some in each box. She hasn't kicked any out since. But like I said she is ALWAYS there policing the nest boxes.... I thought maybe she was going to be a broody, but I rarely catch her in there sitting:lau
I doubt I helped you at all but at least we can commiserate together 😁
You have described my Whiting True Green Hilda to a "T" She was and still is in the coop whenever I look there. Going through all of the 5 boxes...I say that, but she kicked out, or "adjusted" all of the Eaton nesting pads everyday! She wasn't eating the eggs but a few everyday were getting damaged. And I had to put a new pad in whenever there was was getting very expensive...So not knowing how to fix the chicken, I spent some more money and bought a 4' x 8' rug of astroturf and cut 4" strips to screw to sides of each nesting box, and cut 5 squares to line the bottoms. I didn't screw those in so I can take them out and hose them off if they get dirty. Then I took 1 of the Eaton nesting pads and took a good handful and put some in each box. She hasn't kicked any out since. But like I said she is ALWAYS there policing the nest boxes.... I thought maybe she was going to be a broody, but I rarely catch her in there sitting:lau
I doubt I helped you at all but at least we can commiserate together 😁
Maybe it’s the Eaton? I’m glad I’m not alone!! I’m going to try something like what you’ve done and hope that at least helps damage control while she continues to be neurotic, haha! I also thought she was going to be broody and was upset that the eggs were being removed or that others were in/near “her” box, but she’s never sat on an egg or acted like she cares about them as much as she cares about how the coop and boxes are arranged. It was pretty comical watching her destroy the place on the ring camera we’ve got placed in there while away for these past few days- by the third day the camera was upside down and rolled to the back opposite corner of the coop.
Maybe it’s the Eaton? I’m glad I’m not alone!! I’m going to try something like what you’ve done and hope that at least helps damage control while she continues to be neurotic, haha! I also thought she was going to be broody and was upset that the eggs were being removed or that others were in/near “her” box, but she’s never sat on an egg or acted like she cares about them as much as she cares about how the coop and boxes are arranged. It was pretty comical watching her destroy the place on the ring camera we’ve got placed in there while away for these past few days- by the third day the camera was upside down and rolled to the back opposite corner of the coop.
Could be the Eaton..I blamed it on my nesting box being slippery and the Eaton pads not filling the whole bottom so they were easy to kick out. The picture that you see is before I put another strip on the front inside of the box. She was still able to kick stuff out that day, the next day I added it, and she hasn't been able to get the padding over the grass. Best part is, I'm not getting any damage anymore! And neurotic is the perfect description of Hilda.!

That is hilarious about the webcam!:gig

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