New layer this normal?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2022
Hi! My pullets (23 weeks) have just started laying. This morning I broke this egg to feed to my dog and saw this. The white was very slightly cloudy, yolk a beautiful dark yellow, but seemed to leak into the white in a few places and had this white string in it. Is this normal for a brand new layer? All poops seem fine and nobody is acting "off"
Hi! My pullets (23 weeks) have just started laying. This morning I broke this egg to feed to my dog and saw this. The white was very slightly cloudy, yolk a beautiful dark yellow, but seemed to leak into the white in a few places and had this white string in it. Is this normal for a brand new layer? All poops seem fine and nobody is acting "off"
Guess I should attach the pic...
A picture would help, but in general new layers can have glitches while their bodies figure things out. Eggs can be smaller, sometimes no yolk, sometimes double yolks, etc. Cloudiness is often in very fresh eggs and not a worry. The white string may have been the chalazae or chalaza, it attaches the yolk to the membrane of the egg. Sometimes they can be thicker and more prominent than others. As long as they are acting normally, I would just keep an eye on them.
A picture would help, but in general new layers can have glitches while their bodies figure things out. Eggs can be smaller, sometimes no yolk, sometimes double yolks, etc. Cloudiness is often in very fresh eggs and not a worry. The white string may have been the chalazae or chalaza, it attaches the yolk to the membrane of the egg. Sometimes they can be thicker and more prominent than others. As long as they are acting normally, I would just keep an eye on them.
Thank you! 😊 I was mist worried about the cloudiness

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