New Layer Not Laying in Nest Box, Help!


11 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Front Range, Colorado
We have 14 hens who are 21-23 weeks old now. We have 2 that have been laying for about 3 weeks now, and another started laying yesterday!!
The hen that just started laying won't lay her eggs in the nest boxes. She makes a little nest in the straw in a corner of the run next to our feed bin, and that's where she laid. How can I get her to use the nest boxes? I've put fresh straw and pine shavings in the nest boxes and added some plastic eggs to give her the hint. We've narrowed it down to 2 hens that have been using the same nest in the run. Today my ds put both of them in the nest boxes to give them a hint. Any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help! I could try to block that spot, but I think she'll just move down. The run is covered with straw right now because they had pecked apart a bale I had put in there this summer.


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