New member and new to emu keeping


May 17, 2015
Norfolk uk
I live in Norfolk, UK and am always reading old threads! Very informative!

I've a question to ask that I cant find an answer too- I've a young pair of emu I hatched myself- the paddock is grass with willow trees which they love the leaves off! I'm happy for them to eat my trees if they feel the need, but is there anything I can plant that they wouldn't want to eat? They have eaten everything but the pampas grass so far and I don't want them in just a square grass paddock without trees and stuff!
I'm hoping they just eat the leaves as its new- and will get bored before the demolish it!
Hi :welcome From Yorkshire UK

Glad you could join the flock! I'm afraid I'm. It an emu keeper either but please do drop by the link that NorthFLChick left for you for all your questions on emu.
I always think of Rod Hull and emu when people talk about them. That was a very funny programme when I was growing up. Are emu really that mischievous?

Good luck over in the emu section and enjoy BYC :frow
@tom85 , I was telling my DH about your emu today. We got to laughing because we were thinking of the red star chicken that like to sneak up from behind and emu doing that would REALLY do some damage I bet.

Hope you're enjoying them
We have chicken folks that have emus as well but, they never mentioned them eating leaves off the trees. The emu people should be able to tell you. The chicken folks used to bring the greens and things and they loved eating them. Maybe that is what yours are hungering for. Welcome to Backyard chickens.
Thank you- hopefully someone will advise on the new thread how I can plant my garden and paddock! They are very sweet- a cross between a dog and a chicken!

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