New member but signed up in 2013


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 11, 2013
My chicken story
Decided that I wanted to get into chickens so my first start was in 2012 and it consisted of 10 mix layers i.e. Golden comets and red sex links and 10 meat birds the Cornish X. So here I am new to this and literally you can just about watch those meat birds grow the end result was I won't do meat birds again. So I had a owl get my laying hens. And I started over with only layers. Eventually I made a nice coop and have been steady ever since. Well unless my male GSD decides he wants one. Lol sometimes I could kill him!! Anyway so I just recently bought some eggs off eBay for the Bielefelder beautiful chicken but only one hatched. It was a female. So I went down to my local farm and garden picked up three barred rocks and three black sex links. Got home done some research and found out that black sex links are RIR roo and barred rock hen. I have a heritage beautiful RIR roo and I would like to pair him up with a heritage barred rock. The problem is those are not that easy to find. Can anyone help me on this?
Better late than never. Great to have you officially here. You may want to post photos of your birds at "what breed or gender is this," to discover their true breeds & genders.
Hi and welcome to BYC. You can check out the buy/sell/trade forum, but you cannot participate until you have made 20 posts. There should also be breed threads, which could be helpful.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best

Best of luck finding the birds you want!

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