New Member-Florida

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Hi I'm a new member here in the Sunny state of Florida.
I live in north central Florida Putnam county to be exact.
Just finished my coop after four months tinkering and am now trying to decide what type of chickens I will be getting.
Looking forward to hearing from other members who might be local and what they might suggest.
Thanks for the welcome I am looking for local (with in 25 miles people who have chickens for sale.
I'm interested in Polish, Orpingtons, Cuchins, Silkies, Austrolorps to name a few.
Haven't decided what my chicken goal is yet. LoL
Hi GatorGrandma! I don't want to hijack your thread but I did want to say hello to another new Floridian!! I'm excited to be here too - just got four chickens on Saturday (two serama, two sebright).
Hi. Can't wait to start. We are going to build the coop first then get some chicks. I am a research nut so this site is a perfect fit. So much great information! Have fun

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