New member from Anderson, SC


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2021
Hello. My name is Felicia Thomason. I started with five chicks in March of 2020 and now have 51 chickens of various breeds. We have Black Australorps, Black Laced Golden Wyandottes, a Columbian Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex, a Welsummer, Crested Cream Legbars, Rhode Island Reds, red and black sex links, some Brahma / Marans crosses, French Black Copper Marans, Olive Eggers, and Delawares. I started Thomason Farm, LLC in January of this year. My focus at the moment is on consumable eggs and live mealworms. We are making plans to add meat chickens in 2022 and offer processed birds.

My favorite thing about raising backyard chickens is how much fun they are. There never seems to be a dull moment! These birds have their own little personalities, which I find endearing. They are inquisitive and comical. They are adorable and just plain make me laugh.

My other hobbies aren't many since the chickens now consume most of my time. But, I enjoy baking, home improvement projects (we bought a fixer-upper), and I am a certified scuba diver. For those familiar with the SC upstate, my husband and I dove in Lake Jocassee in 2019. We have been diving off the coast of Charleston, which is where we got certified and moved from. We have also been diving in Key Largo and the Caribbean. Unfortunately, the pandemic sidelined our diving, and we haven't been since our last trip to Key Largo in 2019.

We have two grown children, a son and a daughter. Our son still lives in the Charleston area and works for Volvo. Our daughter and son-in-law moved to Anderson with us. They have a 10 month old daughter. They are the reason we moved to the area. They are working on putting a house next door to us, which will be fantastic! We are all very excited about that! I am a Registered Nurse. I work from home for UnitedHealthcare. My husband in a Captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. In his civilian life, he is a Physical Therapist Assistant with an MBA and works at AnMed Rehab (Encompass).

For the bonus question, I found BYC by searching different topics about chickens on the internet. I have found the forums to be helpful in many cases. I have known about BYC for at least a year now and finally decided to actually join this awesome community so that I could interact with the members here rather than just read what people write. In no way do we consider ourselves chicken experts. We are learning as we go. Our farm experience has been a lot of trial and error. Side note: we plan to add goats next year just for fun, and I can't wait!

If you read all of this, you are appreciated. Best wishes to everyone and your chickens!

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