Hi my name is Kaycey. I live in rural north central AZ. It gets pretty cold up here. Was 17 degrees when I let the chicken out of their houses this morning. We got our first 6 chickens in March this year, so have learnt a lot since then. Now we have 15. And I just put 7 eggs in the incubator Monday. Chicken math? So far we have 2 Speckled Sussex, 1 GLW, 2 SLW, 3 Cream Legbars, 1 CL mix, 1 Rainbow Special, (pullets) 1 CL cockerel, 1 cockerel of unknown breed and 2 eight week old black silkies. Are currently building another chicken house. I have lurked on this website and forum since before we got our chickens and decided it was time to take the plunge and become a member. Glad to be here.