New member from Oregon!


Aug 14, 2016
I finally joined! I just got started in the backyard chicken thing a few months ago. My girls are (pretty sure they're all hens) 2 red sexlinks named Penny and Ginger, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes named Sylvia and Lacey and 2 Norwegian Jaerhons named Astrid and Hilda. My housemate cautioned me against naming them since we do live out in the country and there are plenty of raccoons and other predators but I named them anyway. Their run was made from all recycled wood and fencing material and it is pretty secure I think (like a fortress actually). They are 16 weeks old and I have started checking the nesting boxes just in case...hopefully soon the eggs will start coming.

Anyway, I just love watching them! They are so entertaining. I will try to post some pics...these were from several weeks ago. They're much bigger now!


Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Congratulations on getting your new chicken adventures started :clap Your birds look lovely in your pics and it sure does sound like you are enjoying them very much. Chicken TV sure is great to watch as you have found out. Wishing you the very best of luck fir the future and enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
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Greetings from Kansas, whytebyrd, and :welcome. Happy you joined our flock. You have some beautiful chickens. I saw in one of the pics that you had up some chicken wire. Can't really tell from the pic, but if it's just chicken wire (instead of hardware cloth) crafty raccoons can penetrate it. Not trying to scare you or bum you out...just want to make sure your babies are safe. Good luck to you!
Thank you, Redsox, for your concern about the chicken wire. I think we put that in the upper part around pen but I literally sewed the wire to the other fence material in every place there was a gap and in some cases did two rows of seams (with wire) I've been checking every day to see if there's any evidence of raccoon fingers trying to pry it open and so far none. The chickens are locked up in their coop every night and we have two dogs in the yard adjacent to the coop and run. I have my dog, Judge, in my room at night and recently he was crawling over my head trying to get at the window because there were raccoons just outside the window. He went all ballistic last night, too so I just left him out to 'patrol' the perimeter! It will be an ongoing worry I suspect but doing the best we can to protect our little chicken community :)
Hi Warsawgirl :frow
I had to look up ISO and am still not sure exactly what that is (several definitions including 'in search of') But, like I said...pretty new to the chicken world. I think one of the posts mentioned Rhode Island Red being in the mix and I've been thinking that that is definitely in the mix with my sex links. Penny is my favorite! She is super curious and comes up to me often when I'm out in the pen. She also is a bit of a loner, standing apart from the other chickens and also alone when roosting. I had wondered earlier if she was a roo but think I'd know by 16 weeks. They all have distinctive personalities!
Thanks Whytebyrd,
Yes I think that the ISO are mixed breed of Rhow Island Red and Bar Rocks. I am very new to the chicken world also. I'm not too sure of much. Thanks for the luck and I hope you have lots of luck with your flock. My flock is about 4 months old now, opine to have eggs soon.
Welcome to BYC. I noticed the chicken wire also.

Believe me raccoons are much stronger than you can imagine, they can climb, dig, tear through most wire fencing and jump down from trees. They have opposable thumbs like humans, and can open any latch a person can. They are especially known for reaching through fences and biting off any chicken parts they can snag. They kill and maim birds in the most gruesome fashion. They are generally no. 1 on the list of worst predators.

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