New Member from the Bay Area California


8 Years
May 17, 2011
I am a new member from the Bay Area near the foothills of Mount Diablo. I have 3 hens that are about 4-5 months old that just started laying yesterday...YIPPEE! I am from rural Georgia and have made some big adjustments to make the move to the Bay Area. Having backyard, city-slicker chickens has been quite a different experience from what I was used to growing up, but it has been the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time. I have found so much information from the BYC website, and I just wanted to thank you all so much for your wealth of knowledge and for creating such an amazing online community. I also want to thank Concord Feed (my local feed store) for all of their help in raising my baby girls and helping produce some amazing eggs. My three girls (Lucille Ball-Rhode Island Red, Aretha Franklin-Australorp, and Goldie Hen-Buff Orpington) are such amazing hens. They follow me around the yard and come running whenever I walk out the door. It is such an amazing feeling and an awesome connection. Thanks again BYC!!! Looking forward to posting with you all, and I will be sure to put up some pics of the coop, the girls, and the eggs soon (when I get a break from this rain...ugh).

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