New Member from TN


In the Brooder
May 11, 2015
Goodlettsville, TN
Hello all, i'm Frank from Nashville, TN. Fairly new to chickens, but am excited to learn more and read through the forums. Any and all info is appreciated for a chicken newbie.
Nice to meet you Frank
Have you checked out the Learning Center? It is a great place to start a chicken education. You might also like to post on your state thread and find out in anyone near you has chickens. Go to "where am I, where are you," in the social forum to find your state thread.
Thanks, I looked through some of the information in the learning center and will be looking through it again today. I will post on the state thread as well. I do not currently have any, I am in the process of building a coup at the moment, but I am looking into getting some good hardy egg layers and from what I read some of the best are Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock so those two breeds are what are in my plans at the moment.
Thanks, I looked through some of the information in the learning center and will be looking through it again today. I will post on the state thread as well. I do not currently have any, I am in the process of building a coup at the moment, but I am looking into getting some good hardy egg layers and from what I read some of the best are Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock so those two breeds are what are in my plans at the moment.

RIRs and Barred Rocks are both good layers. If sheer egg production is a priority, you might also want to consider Black Sex Links (Black Stars) which are hardy and friendly, laying machines that will consistently churn out more than 300 eggs per hen per year. If egg production X calm and gentle temperament is a consideration, another breed to consider are Australorps. They are extremely hardy in both heat and cold, very calm and gentle (my children and granddaughter made lap pets of them), and the best layers of the standard, brown egg laying breeds (Sex Links are hybrids). Whatever breeds you end up getting, good luck with your flock.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Great to have you join us! Sounds like you have a lovely flock of great breeds. We would love to see pics
Good luck with them and welcome to the flock

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